I'm super hooked up to Vampire Knight now ! Thanks to my friends , haha. Anyway, sorry for the long haitus - not many people come too - ( I personally like this batch even though its quite badly done.___.) Perhaps due to the fact that this is anime. I should start my Naruto anime soon, Sasuke!
001 | 002 | 003 |
004 | 005 | 006 |
007 | 008 | 009 |
010 | 011 | 012 |
013 | 014 | 015 |
016 | 017 | 018 |
Ok, i love 17 the most:D I LOVE KANAME! That's why there's little of Zero!
I can be found @http://insaneclouds.livejournal.com/ too! Remember about crediting!